
7 IPhone VR Games That Shouldn’t Be Free On App Store

Once you have had the awesome experience of playing games in ‘virtual reality’its almost impossible of going back to your 2D games. But the good news is that now you can have this experience on your IPhones too. This might come as a surprise as Google Cardboard is the best-known driver of smartphone-powered VR and it is not  making iPhones.

But the fact is that Apple Phones are compatible with any Google cardboard. All you have to do is to select the best VR games. The App Store is almost full with these cool, new VR games.

And some of them are:

1. End-Space VR:


This game proves to be a perfect fit for the VR games. In the game the player will be the pilot who has the task of fighting and eliminating alien attackers. The action in the game, seems close to reality and the graphics used are also very beautiful. Here you can pair your phone with a game-pad so we can have a weapons trigger.

2. Fractal Combat X:

This game is unique in this sense that you can play it without a VR head-set. If you want to use one, you’ll need to enable the option in the Graphics settings menu.

The fun-fact is that in this game your head serves as the joy stick so the jet will go wherever you look.You can earn credits by playing, but you’ll need to spend a few bucks if you want quick upgrades.

3. In-Cell VR:

In addition to entertainment, this game also has an educational value. In this game you can enter a human body with the goal to eliminate the viruses and save the host cells from destruction. All the actions are so fast that it’ll be a good test of your ability to withstand motion sickness, but it’s worth the risk.

4. Lamper VR: Firefly Rescue

This an endless-runner gaming experience known for great graphics and a decidedly kid-friendly motif. There’s no game controller necessary: your head does all the steering.

5. Roller-Coaster VR:

Actually Roller Coaster is more of an simulation then a game which you give your friend’s when its their first VR experience. Its a very exciting and adventurous roller coaster ride with jumps, water hazards and more. It closely resembles the CedarPoint VR which takes you for a ride in the real amusement park.

6. Romans From Mars 360:

The Romans From Mars is an adorable VR game which is a sort of first-person tower-defense game.  Here you get to be up close and personal as you fight off the invading Martians. The game and even its upgrades are completely free.

7. Zombie Shooter VR:

In this game you get a chance of how you would defend yourself from the zombie attack after you fight and kill them in numbers. Unlike other games the Zombie Shooter takes you in the midst of the action. You move through tunnels, subway cars and other mysterious surroundings. This is a game that will really satisfy the fans of the undead.

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