
RTX 3090 Ti Vs RTX 3080 Specs Comparison

NVIDIA is in the news once again for its new much more powerful GeForce RTX 3090 Ti GPU which comes with the latest parts. We know RTX 3090 has 350W TDP while RTX 3090 Ti or GeForce RTX 3090 Super will be launched with an unbelievable 400-450W TDP.

GeForce RTX 3090 Ti is supposed to have single-sided GDDR6X memory as RTX 3090 has the double-sided memory. 

In the tables below we have compared RTX 3090 Ti’s specs against RTX 3080’s. You can check the differences between RTX 3090 Ti/Super vs RTX 3090 and AMD Radeon RX 6900 TX. 

Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti Vs GeForce RTX 3080 specs comparison. 

GPU Model Processor Cores TMUS ROPS Memory Size Memory Type Bus Width
RTX 3090 Ti GA I02 10752 336 112 24 GBs GDDR6X 384 bit
RTX 3080 GA102 8704 272 96 10 GB GDDR6X 320 bit

Graphics cards processor comparison: Nvidia GeForceRTX 3090 Ti Vs GeForce RTX 3080

Model GPU Name GPU Variant Architecture Foundry Process Size Transistors Die Size
RTX 3090 Ti GA102 GA102-350-A1 Ampere Samsung 8nm 28,300 million 628 mm²
RTX 3080 GA102 GA102-200-KD-A1 Ampere Samsung 8nm 28,300 million 628 mm²

Graphics features: Nvidia GeForceRTX 3090 Ti Vs GeForce RTX 3080

GPU DirectX OpenGL OpenCL Vulkan CUDA Shader Model
RTX 3090 Ti 12 Ultimate (12_2) 4.6 3.0 1.2 8.6 6.6
RTX 3080 12 Ultimate (12_2) 4.6 3.0 1.2 8.6 6.6

Clock Speed: Nvidia GeForceRTX 3090 Ti Vs GeForce RTX 3080

GPU Base  Boost  Memory 
RTX 3090 Ti 1395 MHz 1695 MHz 1325 MHz21.2 Gbps effective
GeForce RTX 3080 1440 MHz 1710 MHz 1188 MHz19 Gbps effective

Memory comparison: Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 Ti Vs GeForce RTX 3080

GPUs Size Type Bus Bandwidth
RTX 3090 Ti 24 GB GDDR6X 384 bit 1,018 GB/s
GeForce RTX 3080 10 GB GDDR6X 320 bit 760.3 GB/s

TFLOPs Theoretical Performance comparison: RTX 3090 Ti Vs RTX 3080

GPUs Pixel Texture FP16 (half) FP32 (float) FP64 (double)
RTX 3090 Ti 189.8 GPixel/s 569.5 GTexel/s 36.45 TFLOPS (1:1) 36.45 TFLOPS 569.5 GFLOPS (1:64)
RTX 3080 164.2 GPixel/s 465.1 GTexel/s 29.77 TFLOPS (1:1) 29.77 TFLOPS 465.1 GFLOPS (1:64)

Board specs comparison: RTX 3090 Ti Vs RTX 3080

GPU Slot Width Length Width Height TDP Suggested PSU DisplayPorts/Outputs Power Connectors Bus
RTX 3090 Ti Triple-slot 336 mm13.2 inches 140 mm5.5 inches 61 mm2.4 inches 450 W 850 W 1x HDMI3x DisplayPort 1x 12-pin PCIe 4.0 x16
RTX 3080 Dual-slot 285 mm11.2 inches 112 mm4.4 inches 40 mm1.6 inches 320 W 700 W 1x HDMI3x DisplayPort 1x 12-pin PCIe 4.0 x16

Rendering Configuration Comparison: RTX 3090 Ti Vs RTX 3080

GPUs Shading Units TMUs ROPs SM Count Tensor Cores RT Cores L0 Cache L1 Cache L2 Cache
RTX 3090 Ti 10752 336 112 84 336 84 128 KB (per SM) 128 KB (per SM) 6 MB
RTX 3080 8704 272 96 68 272 68 32 KB per WGP 128 KB (per SM) 5 MB

What’s The Difference Between RTX 3090 Ti and RTX 3090

There are 4 main differences between RTX 3090 Ti and RTX 3090. RTX 3090 Ti will have a new 400-450W TDP, single-sided GDDR6X memory and a new power connector. 

When Will RTX 3090 Ti Release?

RTX 3090 Ti is expected to be released in January 2022 at CES 2022.

What’s RTX 3090 Ti Mining Hashrate?

Since we are still a few months behind RTX 3090Ti’s release. At this point RTX 3090 Ti’s mining hashrate is not possible to measure. However, as soon as the 3090 Ti is released we will update it here. 

What’s The Price of 3090 Ti/3090 Super?

According to the 3090 Ti leaked specs its price will be $1,699. However, it is still unclear what will be its launch price.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All these RTX 3090 Ti specs are subject to change. The specs described here are sourced from different news outlets. 

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