
How to Learn Playing the Guitar

You can learn how to play the guitar by starting with simple strumming. The question is, “How do you learn simple strumming?” There are easy steps to follow so that you can learn guitar strumming. Doing so will only be hard the first time. When you start, you will find it hard to produce a decent sound. You just have to continue what you are doing and you will be able to progress in your learning.

Usual Start

In anything that you will study, a drive to learn is necessary. The same is true with learning how to strum a guitar. You should start with the desire to play the instrument. Wanting to make music is a best point to start. Without a motivation, you will not be able to start working on acquiring the skill.

Have an Overview of Chords

The simple self-study of guitar playing continues with picking out a song to practice on. Unlike formal lessons which start with notes first before proceeding to playing pieces, simple guitar strumming starts with a song as the piece. From your favourite songs, select one which has simple chords so that your practice will start in the easy way. Get a copy of the chord chart. You can see there that the chords which are easy to follow are those with the simple names like A, C, D, E, G and their derivatives. Next in the difficulty hierarchy are B and F which are the power chords which are the easiest to memorise and follow.

Choose a Song

Look up in the internet the chords of your favourite songs. Choose one with the simplest chords among them. You will use the song in learning how to follow the chord with your non-strumming hand which is usually your left. Focusing on one song at a time will enable you to learn and master chords while being able to complete one song which you can play anytime.

Just Play

When you start attempting to play your first chord, you will not be able to get it right. The hand which holds the chord formation on the strings will not be able to perfectly perform if you are a beginner. At the same time, your strumming hand will not be able to strum the chord well. You just have to play. This is the way to practice. You will not get a good sound right away or even in a short time. Enduring through this phase is the only way to go. If you will be able to go over this hump, you will be on your way to getting more songs right.


Learning how to play the guitar starts with the small beginning of practicing your favourite song. You just have to pick the one with the simple chords. At the start, you will find it difficult to carry a tune with the guitar. This is inevitable. You just have to strum, attempt with many mistakes and go through the phase because this is just the way it is. Eventually, you will naturally learn how to strum. It will become a skill. You will surprise yourself.

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